Backup Strategy and Disaster Consulting

What would happen to your business if your IT equipment was stolen or damaged overnight? Would you have a copy of your financial data? Would your clients be invoiced or your staff be paid? Protecting your business against a disaster is a fundamental principal of sound IT management and Information Synergy specialises in the planning, implementation and recovery of business data in the event of a disaster such as a catastrophic hardware failure, fire or theft.

Backup Implementation

Whether you use our Backup Strategy and Disaster Consulting service or you have an existing business continuity plan, Information Synergy can help you implement a low cost and highly effective backup solution which meets your needs. Onsite, offsite and cloud based backup and disaster recovery solutions are all available to ensure your business can survive even the worst disasters.

Backup Monitoring

How do you know your backups are working? Too often we see businesses overlook setting up critical backup notifications so that they only find out their backups have failed when it’s too late. Stay in touch with your system by ensuring your backup notifications are relevant and up to date. Information Synergy can help by analysing and rectifying backup notification issues no matter which backup solution you use. We can even monitor your backups for you and automatically rectify issues or let you know if something doesn’t look right.

Data Recovery

Has something gone wrong with your files? Need to recover your data but you are not sure who to call? Information Synergy is experienced when it comes to data recovery and we can provide recovery services for a wide range of backup technologies. We can also organise tests for recovery of data from your backups so you know that your backup strategy is working. When testing backups, the aim is to confirm that the backups that are being taken can be successfully restored, as well as establishing a clear understanding of whether the backups contain sufficient data to recover systems from a true disaster.